Grant Overview

The Cleburne Education Foundation (CEF) Grant program was created to provide an opportunity for teachers to apply for grants to fund projects/programs for which there are no state or local funds available. CEF expanded its grant offerings in 2014 to meet a wider range of needs for enhancing student learning opportunities.

Excellence in Education – Impact Grants

The Excellence in Education Impact Grants are designed to encourage teachers to apply for funds that will allow them to enhance their classroom instruction through innovative teaching strategies, advanced technology, and creative instructional tools that help facilitate differentiated instruction to better meet student learning needs.  Applications are scored on a number of criteria including the purpose and need for the project, anticipated student outcomes, number of students served, innovativeness of the project and quality of the evaluation plan. Applications are due in January each year and grants are awarded in early March. Grant requests for up to and including $5,000 are considered.

Interested in Applying?

Application Form
Ready to Apply for Grant

Rookie Awards

In August of each year, first-year teachers may submit a simple application to request an award to help establish their classrooms for the beginning of school. CEF welcomes our “Rookies” to the CISD family and is honored to help teachers furnish their first classroom.

Campus Grants

Grant applications will be accepted during the summer from campus principals to support campus level projects. Applications may be funded in an amount up to $7,500 and may provide for projects that identify and address needs unique to the campus.

Interested in Applying?

Application Form
Ready to Apply for Grant


A Mini-Grant application cycle is scheduled for the beginning of the school year for certified staff to request up to $500 for instructional resources that are not covered in campus or district budgets or in state or federal special project funds.

Interested in Applying?

Application Form
Ready to Apply for Grant


Are you a Cleburne ISD teacher in need of help with covering the cost of educational tools for your classroom? Do one of the above applications fit your need? Fill out the application form for the appropriate grant and submit it here!

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.